
Social Media Seriously Harms Your Mental Health...

In present day and age, social media is a regular and daily part of our lives. It allows us to be connected to anyone from any place around the world. But it’s not always a good thing. Social media has many dangerous and scary downsides that can affect people and their mental health in a very negative way. This includes cyber bullying, cyber stalking, peer pressure and anonymity. In this post, I’m going to talk about how all these topics can relate to each other and how they can affect a person’s mental health. Cyber bullying is a form of bullying a person that occurs over the internet. Some experts say that this is the worst form of bullying most people may not realise that the victim is being made to feel insecure. Some examples of cyber bullying include hacking personal information, sending hateful or threatening messages, and pressuring people into doing something that they do not want to partake in. Among 14 to 16-year-olds, reported cyber bullying has doubled in the last y

The power of social media and awareness

Social media vs awareness Mackenzie Walker On June 30, 2014 the world of social media was introduced to a new challenge. The challenge was to pour a bucket of ice water over your head and to challenge a friend to do the same with in 24 hours. The challenge was known as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge The purpose of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was to raise money and awareness for people living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. The challenge was aimed towards anyone willing to participate and donate Andy amount of money to the cause. More than 17 million people from all around the world participated in the challenge in support of the ALS association by uploading a video of themselves pouring ice cold water over their heads and out of that 17 million, 2.5 million people donated a total of $115 million to the association in order to continue researching the condition. What is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis? More commonly known as ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a progressive n


My thoughts on social media is that it's f#cking up our generation (millennials). It opens children up to anything that anyone says or show on the internet good or bad. We all know that you can block thing on social media but there are still things that children will be able to see and get exposed to. I don't agree with the social media making a large impacts on young women that are aged 12 to 20 that they have to do there make up, hair and dress in a way they people do on social media. This can make it easier for children and others to get cyber bulled and people think because they are not hitting them and saying something to there face that it doesn't effect them. But thing said behind a keyboard can hurt and damage someone's life. I feel that social media should only be for people that are of a particular age so things like this can be avoided. I have like they way Instagram has taken away that you can see how many likes a person gets so no one feels bad that ano

Social media can tear you down or build you up

Like it or not, social media is a part of life, and you may as well use it to your advantage. You can use social media to build self-esteem. You hear of many people avoiding social media altogether because it messes with your confidence. While that can be true, social media does have some value, and there can be benefits from using it in a healthy way and in moderation. In a world when most people are using social media, you can feel disconnected if you don’t use it at all. Additionally, avoidance doesn’t help with self-esteem issues. Instead, you can learn to use social media to build self-esteem. Today, we live in a world where there is enormous pressure placed on adolescents to look perfect. Such high standards are almost unachievable by normal, human beings, which often drives adolescents to do drastic things to make themselves look better. It doesn't help that in so many publications, there's a huge trend of using Photoshop to make people look “perfect”. This sets a

What's wrong with the Youtube beauty community?

The YouTube industry is continuously growing and many young individuals have jumped on to the website to share their views, creations, talents, entertainment, and many other genres, with the world. Aside from the bright side of YouTube, there is also a dark side within the platform. With millions of viewers and creators who have accounts, there is just no avoiding people clashing into disagreements and feuds. Specifically creators who have a passion for beauty and make up, their community has recently made a large impact on the YouTube drama and their reputation has evolved into creators who are cutthroat and fake. The only community where a competing vitamin business' could create a problem.  It was back in late April where a problem occurred between James Charles, one of YouTube's fastest growing make up channel, and Tati Westbrook, known for beauty hauls, tips and reviews. It all started when a 43-minute video was uploaded by Westbrook accusing her fellow beauty YouTuber o

Online Dating

 Dating sites, apps, are generally safe to use. There are around 8000 dating sites in the world — about 1000 new dating sites are launched every year.   A survey by Statista  — an online statistics —  revealed that 24% of people use dating sites to find hook-ups, 43% to find friends, and 84% to find serious relationships.  In addition, 30% of online daters are between 18 and 29 years old.   30% female users and 16% male users asks their friends for help with their       profile--as shown on the picture. Personally, I think you should be who you are,   social media or not. If you don't show who you really are on your profile   picture/status, it's not just you. It's like you're showing them a different   version of you.  Now let's talk about the dangers of online dating. About 1 in 10 people are using online dating apps or websites to try and scam other people. For example, fake profiles are extremely easy to create especially on free websites and apps such a

A new danger on social media

Drug Dealers making an increased presence on social media? Yes, you heard right - drug dealers are starting to use social media as a platform to distribute illegal substances. A national representative poll in the United Kingdom by an advocacy group called Volteface of which 2,006 16 to 24-year-olds outlined that most drug-related adverts on social media were seen on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. The results of the poll had Snapchat at 56% as the most common platform that respondents saw advertisements for illicit substances, followed by Instagram at 55% with Facebook on 47%. These statistics show that a rise in the prevalence of drug dealers advertising their products on social media is occurring. This is dangerous on social media as many social media applications are used by younger children more and more every day. The poll also provided information on which substances were more commonly advertised than others. The most common substance advertised on social media