Online Dating

 Dating sites, apps, are generally safe to use. There are around 8000 dating sites in the world — about 1000 new dating sites are launched every year.  A survey by Statista — an online statistics revealed that 24% of people use dating sites to find hook-ups, 43% to find friends, and 84% to find serious relationships. In addition, 30% of online daters are between 18 and 29 years old.

  30% female users and 16% male users asks their friends for help with their       profile--as shown on the picture. Personally, I think you should be who you are,   social media or not. If you don't show who you really are on your profile   picture/status, it's not just you. It's like you're showing them a different   version of you. 

Related imageNow let's talk about the dangers of online dating. About 1 in 10 people are using online dating apps or websites to try and scam other people. For example, fake profiles are extremely easy to create especially on free websites and apps such as Tinder. Lying on one's profile is very common. Lies that aren't that as bad such as lying about one's height or hobbies. There could also be lies such as lying about relationship status, age, wealth — like you're pretty much talking to a different person. 
A dating website called 'Ashley Madison' was actually designed for people to cheat on their significant others. Counselors too are warning that there is an emerging problem with sexual assault growing out of dating apps and websites. The Australian Study of Health and Relationships, published in 2014, found that out of the 20,000 people it surveyed, 4% of men and 22% of women had either been forced or frightened into doing something sexual that they had not wanted. 

There are also positive sides when in it comes to online dating. 1 in 5 relationships (20%) and a little more than 1 in 6 marriages (17%) begin online — According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute. 

The advantage to 'scientific' online dating isn't to come up with some foolproof formula for romantic connection, but it can offer a safeguard to prevent you from making a poor choice.

Image result for conclusion for online dating opinion.
 I asked a group of individuals, who will remain anonymous for privacy issues.

"In my opinion downloading an online dating app is a way to escape loneliness and find acceptance from others."  
- 1st person

"It is a cowardly way of forming relationships using the convenience that social media provides."
 - 2nd person

"There's pros and cons with online dating apps. The good thing is that you can communicate with someone new, or whenever you feel lonely. The Bad thing is that people could be cat-fishing. It could be an online predator" 
- 3rd person

Then I went online and asked a few more individuals so its not so biased:

"It's fine for me, as long as he/she doesn't leave too far"
 - Stranger #1

"I think people can make it work sometimes, it really depends" 
- Stranger #2

"It's not really new now because its been on ever since internet has been working, you know? Some people use it as a last resort when the actual environment around them doesn't favor anymore. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't - but its always up on us if we want it to work or to be dysfunctional" 
- Stranger #3


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