My thoughts on social media is that it's f#cking up our generation (millennials). It opens children up to anything that anyone says or show on the internet good or bad. We all know that you can block thing on social media but there are still things that children will be able to see and get exposed to.

I don't agree with the social media making a large impacts on young women that are aged 12 to 20 that they have to do there make up, hair and dress in a way they people do on social media. This can make it easier for children and others to get cyber bulled and people think because they are not hitting them and saying something to there face that it doesn't effect them. But thing said behind a keyboard can hurt and damage someone's life.

I feel that social media should only be for people that are of a particular age so things like this can be avoided. I have like they way Instagram has taken away that you can see how many likes a person gets so no one feels bad that another person got more likes than them.

Another reason i don't like nit is because of the danger of sexual pretenders that can act like someone that they are not and learn about where you live and you day to day activities. This isn't just sexual they can steel for instance bank details, identity, belonging, ect.

I find that social media is a very dangerous thing and I know that most this are but anyone can find anything that they want whenever they want.


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