Negative Impacts of social media (self esteem).

Social media can have negative effects on your life and you may not even know about it. I will be talking about how social media can damage your self esteem by simply comparing yourself to others on posts you see on a daily basis in your feed.

Studies show that currently there is a larger amount of people who suffer from self esteem issues and metal health issues then from in the past. There are also studies to prove that social media can be contributing to that in a study done by Dr Jennifer Rhodes working for Huffposts.

There are other opinions on the matter like comparing yourself to others can be a good thing because it can inspire you to try and be just like successful people. I personally think it can sometimes be a good thing but when you do it all the time such as when your scrolling though a social media feed and doing it post after post that's when I think it starts to become a very bad thing. I think you should try not to do it and just focus on what you want to do and your goals.

Comparing yourself to others is human and its easier said that done to stop comparing yourself. This can be done in many different ways such as your wealth, body and fitness, cars, house and sometimes you can think your not successful like celebrities and others on social media because you may not have those things and it can also give you unrealistic expectations. Such as this photo of Offset with his two Rolls Royce cars.

The people who may be the most prone to this confidence destroying habit are the people who spend the most amount of time on social media and it's said to be young people.

When your comparing yourself to people living the life you dream of it can really effect your self esteem bringing you down. people don't realise that a lot of what they see on social media are short clips of peoples best life not including all the mistakes they have made and bad parts about their life.

Comparing yourself at great lengths has only started since social media has been around in the past people may have compared themselves to people they know or see in magazines but with social media and millions of people including celebrities you may compare yourself to heaps my people simply by scrolling though your feed and looking at others posts.

Social media is such a big thing and it is here to stay the point I'm trying to make is not to stop using social media but use it in a way where it's doing you a favour and not bringing you down.

A popular post by Leonardo DiCaprio saying " if you can do what you do best and be happy you are further along in life than most people" his trying to promote how important having good mental health and self esteem is. Also the point of "doing what you can do best and be happy" not looking at others doing their best and being sad about it but you doing what you can do best and be happy.

I great way to stop comparing yourself may be to realise that people are only posting the good things in their lives on social media and everybody is not perfect and all have their problems and you should learn to forgive yourself for any mistakes you have made in the past and focus on what makes you happy.

Also maybe thinking twice about who you follow and try to follow people you can relate to not the millionaires posting photos in their boats who you have nothing in common with.





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