social media vs reality

 social media vs reality 

Have you ever wondered if what you see on social media is what people are actually doing? me too. The first thing you would do when you wake up in the morning is check your social media, yes? Well did you know that what you may be seeing might not be what people are really doing.

One of the biggest current issues with social media is how people portray their life on social media and the possibility that people’s perceptions are warped. 2.1 billion people have social media, that’s a lot! people will often take multiple pictures just to put them through multiple different editing apps only to add a filter but life doesn’t have a filter But the real question is how many people are lying or being deceiving about what they are really doing? Or how it really looks? According to Over 75% lie on social media, so here’s another question what could they possibly be getting up to instead?

Lying and deceiving is damaging our millennials and younger generations, its not only causing damage to the people seeing it but also the people doing it. People who are deceiving on their social media account weather that be posting a picture of a sunrise or a healthy breakfast, when their really, just lying in bed is causing people to believe they must look like the Photoshopped skinny bodies or perfect faces. Seeing people posting about their newest iPhone or devices also cause the younger generations to believe they ought to have all the latest things or that they have to be on an amazing new holiday every week.  

For women it’s a massive issue because our social media role models are the Kardashians who all have the money and time to look perfect every time they walk out of the house. The affects powerful people like the Kardashian have on women by being all they see, and parse is horrible, because they start to shame themselves, they believe they must look like the Kardashian to have boys want them. Women start to believe they have to dress fancy, wear makeup, do their hair, wear heals and have a slim but curvy body those standards are bullshit. 1 in 100 young women are or have anorexia which is an eating disorder. Between 10 – 20 young women are starving themselves and sometimes to death.

Social media is a massive part of our lives and its sadly destroying them. You don’t have to be an expert to see how damaging social media can be. There are multiple stories out there in the world on how young teens have taken their life because of bullying on social media or how many people get eating disorders from what they see all because they believe they have to look like some skinny supper model because that all they see. Social media is destroying our young souls and were not really doing anything about it. Although people would say just don’t have social media that won’t work because people would just have the pear pressure that there missing out or that they need social media to fit in.

I believe that this blog post has shown that social media is bullshit compared to reality. People lie about what they are doing to make themselves feel better and it’s just sad. There is evidence that it’s just destroying our growing generations and its time to end it. Men and women reading this you do not have to look like all the famous people out there, if your true to who you are there is nothing more you could do because you’re being you.


  1. very good Abi, nice statistics and a great way of expressing your emotions !!


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