positives of social media

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There are many positives of social media for starters its completely free to get online to a wide variety of social medias and on this blog ill be talking about the main ones eg: Instagram, Facebook, twitter and YouTube.

Image result for social connectedTechnology is making us more social and connected than ever it gives us unlimited ways to communicate, express yourself and share our skills and talents. Social media also keeps us more connected to our friends and family. also research conducted by the Michigan state university provides information that social media use stimulates the production of Oxytocin which reduces stress levels and promotes feelings of happiness.

Image result for social connected in schools                                                                                Social media is also great for students because it makes it so much easier to discuss group assignments, advertising and social events, I also think it would be great for teachers to relay information to their students through social media. The social network provides every student with the possibility of learning and exploring online and students don’t have much money so why waste it travelling places and looking at things that are easily accessible though Instagram and facebook all for free in the comfort of your own home.

Image result for antisocial before phones

The term antisocial was around way before the invention on f technology but for some reason people link social media to being antisocial but realistically we where always antisocial just look at this photo before technology people don’t like talking to strangers technology is just another way to distract ourselves and distance ourself from strangers but still be interacting with the people that actually mean something to you.

Thankyou for reading my blog I hope you agree that social media is keeping us more connected than ever before and just take this blog for example if it wasn’t for technology and social media I wouldn’t have been able to grant you the blessing of my amazing blog anyway hope you have  a good rest of your day.


  1. This is really well written, you've made some really good points about how social media connects us better than ever. The comparison to social media and the photograph of everybody reading their newspapers was really interesting.

    Good job mate :)

  2. I think that what you have written is great, it strongly highlights the positive things that social media give to us. it would be even better if you had a few statistics or supporting evidence to make it even stronger.
    but overall good job


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