Is the Thirst for Likes Becoming Dangerous?

One of the common terms you’ll hear in
social media is the word ‘influencer’. This term refers to the people that have
mass followings and high activity on their social media profiles. They post
multiple times a day to their loyal followers and rack up some high numbers on
their posts. An easy way to spot an influencer is that little blue checkmark next
to their account name, this is called a verification checkmark. It was
originally made to verify to people this is the real account of a celebrity,
political figure, etc. rather than a fake account. However, when less famous
people with high followers started obtaining them, it became a symbol of
quality and how they are better than those without one.
With more and more people being given that
verification checkmark and labeling themselves as an ‘influencer’, the
competition amongst influencers for their follower’s attention has become high.
Social media users have become addicted to that rush of dopamine we get when
our post gets likes and comments. Influencers seem to be going further and
further with what they’ll do for these likes and the attention of their fans,
and it’s starting to get dangerous.

Social media addiction is becoming a rising issue in
our society and as we can see it is starting to get out of hand. People need to
realise that not everything you see online is a good idea or an accurate
representation of reality. I would bet confidently that every single
‘influencer’s’ profile has been completely filtered to show a fake reality of their
best life. They make sure to only post the most
interesting things, even if it is completely fake. Influencer couples especially are guilty of this, with multiple posts
a day of their perfect, happy lives together. No fighting, no bad times, just
the good bits that people want to see and that’ll get the most likes or views.
Rather than thinking of every moment as a possible photo opportunity, we should
be living in the moment ourselves, without worrying about sharing it with our
followers. It is so unhealthy to be constantly sharing our lives with the
internet rather than looking around and simply enjoying it with the people with

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